2019 | Denny’s | Fast-Casual Restaurant

Brand analysis sparks new visual identity for America’s Diner

Background: Tasked with competitor research for Denny’s, I developed a brand landscape analysis on competitor TV ads in Q3 2019. My insights and recommendations identified key opportunities and informed creative strategies that were implemented in 2020.

My role: Secondary research, competitor research, brand management


  • Value seekers are driven by affordability.

    Today’s diners are hungry for savings and can be persuaded to visit restaurants if competitive incentives are offered, such as all you can eat products.

  • Ads that focused on products consistently scored high.

    Clear messaging with strong visuals of products remind guests what brands are known for and informs them of new product launches.

Opportunities Identified

  • Establish a recognizable look for all value offerings.

    Break through the market by offering competitive value products with creative that will be recognized by all consumers.

  • Use strong visuals to showcase signature and new products.

    Remind guests of Denny’s iconic menu items and introduce new offerings through strong, attention-grabbing visuals that create an immediate impact.

Implementation. Denny’s gets a facelift, establishing new brand visuals

In 2020, Denny’s launched a new campaign with a fresh look and feel that brought the focus back to what mattered: the food. Using colorful sets, 3D text, and playful camera work, Denny’s crafted a distinctive look that made ads instantly recognizable as Denny’s, even before the logo appeared. This new identity was rolled out through 15-second TV spots and integrated across Denny’s website, menus, and merchandise, ensuring a consistent and memorable brand experience.


Reporting inspires branded merch, generating 1.7M+ impressions